Hair care

Shampoo and hair before the operation. I used a towel lining gradually. I absolutely do not rub. The average human hair is long. Half inch per month. So if you want long hair, I quickly scanned the washing 5 to 6 Rows squeeze a capsule of Vitamin E for face paint. Track Scan across the scalp massage, nourish. I long faster. And do not forget to do treatments out once a week to do it. Provide you with better health, I certainly Examples of treatments out my natural fermentation commonly known and well is. Mashed bananas mixed with honey. Mask over his head and left for 20 minutes and then leach out. Another formula one. The big flowers, fresh squeezed shut with water. Clean and the water shut a big purple-blue. Hair left for 20 minutes then rinse well again, this recipe will make you suck my black shadow Get a bit tired my beauty. If you have dry hair. I want to see the shiny hair Ivoire 2-3 drops of grease and massage all over your head, but if You are in. I do not recommend it because the hair Ivoire will make me better you look greasy. Get also a magnet for dust and shock. Dirty good at snowboarding.

Skin care in winter

Skin care in winter
In winter conditions the flow of blood can not start normally. Efficiency of the process meta gem is Boris Tsu new thaw
Massage sufficient to stimulate better.
Cold cause I do not feel cleansing. Wash your face properly, but how to help protect the skin not to lose or break dry after washing.
Home Time Oil Moisturizer type of skin to maintain moisture added moisture to the skin. Before leaving home, do not forget.
make up to protect the face from cold winds. But we do not mean that you make up took a bold Eeoa nothing can bring back not
Then a moment will come as extra acne. Hand and foot massage, you should frequently to avoid numbness or a stick.

Insufficient sleep is hurting the skin.

Not that anyone, if sleep is not enough time to touch up the skin symptoms. Because the night is over the surface will be.
Repair day you wake up to sleep by the lack First, notice that it is very easy. Your eye is blackened faces.
Very shabby to look up or use concealer to cover up what they do not run out. What you should be made first, it is a slice of cucumber.
Optical thin as 5 minutes taking the time to wash the cucumber paste on both eyelids. It will help to do each Rather than the fanfare C content.
Dealers then make a thick Eeoa knew. That's because it will make you get ruined. Get fanfare Foundation Powder Puff out.
Nia thick it makes it hard to make out her face, acne, and wilt prematurely.
Now all you women would stop the habit once I sleep late.

Prevention and treatment of acne

Most people now tend to be in the range of adolescent acne. Is due during adolescence. Glands, fat, oil production out to hard too. A result, face it and clogged pores.
1. Do not forget to wash makeup before going to sleep!2. Always keep your face clean.3. Wash your face 2-3 times per day to wash your face too often does not make a stop acne It will just make it up acne, allergies and more than ever. But it should not leave the skin is too dirty.4. Do not stress, is she serious cause of acne I rapids.5. There is no confirmation that any group of course, candy is chocolate. Affect acne or not. But that certainly is. Chocolate makes us a good mood because it is not so stressful to let it eat.
1. Drugs used to treat acne, they are vitamin A acid in this case will be used in people with acne is not lost and must be in control of a physician only. Do not blindly use is strictly prohibited. It can be dangerous. Home is not bare it to break wants to lose what was happening fast. It's not that nothing can extend.2. Do not try to make up too thick Neu, if not necessary. During the acne you should make a light bending around the eyelashes Apply Lip Gloss enough or may not tune at all. But if you're a pretty girl always have to work. Neu is not a heavy foundation. It would be hard to face the acne and wrinkle too easily.3. If you have a pimple. This may help you. Leave the egg white mask for about 15 minutes then rinse.4. Apply acne cream or gel containing salicylic group acid.
1. Drugs used to treat acne, they are vitamin A acid in this case will be used in people with acne is not lost and must be in control of a physician only. Do not blindly use is strictly prohibited. It can be dangerous. Home is not bare it to break wants to lose what was happening fast. It's not that nothing can extend.2. Do not try to make up too thick Neu, if not necessary. During the acne you should make a light bending around the eyelashes Apply Lip Gloss enough or may not tune at all. But if you're a pretty girl always have to work. Neu is not a heavy foundation. It would be hard to face the acne and wrinkle too easily.3. If you have a pimple. This may help you. Leave the egg white mask for about 15 minutes then rinse.. 4 cream or gel containing acne treatment group salicylic acid.
1. Do not forget to wash makeup before going to sleep!2. Always keep your face clean.3. Wash your face 2-3 times per day to wash your face too often does not make a stop acne It will just make it up acne, allergies and more than ever. But it should not leave the skin is too dirty.4. Do not stress, is she serious cause of acne I rapids.5. There is no confirmation that any group of course, candy is chocolate. Affect acne or not. But that certainly is. Chocolate makes us a good mood because it is not so stressful to let it eat.
1. Drugs used to treat acne, they are vitamin A acid in this case will be used in people with acne is not lost and must be in control of a physician only. Do not blindly use is strictly prohibited. It can be dangerous. Home is not bare it to break wants to lose what was happening fast. It's not that nothing can extend.2. Do not try to make up too thick Neu, if not necessary. During the acne you should make a light bending around the eyelashes Apply Lip Gloss enough or may not tune at all. But if you're a pretty girl always have to work. Neu is not a heavy foundation. It would be hard to face the acne and wrinkle too easily.3. If you have a pimple. This may help you. Leave the egg white mask for about 15 minutes then rinse.4. Apply acne cream or gel containing salicylic group acid.
1. Drugs used to treat acne, they are vitamin A acid in this case will be used in people with acne is not lost and must be in control of a physician only. Do not blindly use is strictly prohibited. It can be dangerous. Home is not bare it to break wants to lose what was happening fast. It's not that nothing can extend.2. Do not try to make up too thick Neu, if not necessary. During the acne you should make a light bending around the eyelashes Apply Lip Gloss enough or may not tune at all. But if you're a pretty girl always have to work. Neu is not a heavy foundation. It would be hard to face the acne and wrinkle too easily.3. If you have a pimple. This may help you. Leave the egg white mask for about 15 minutes then rinse.4. Apply acne cream or gel containing salicylic group acid.

Let's pretty bad way to make any firm as a simple proportion

       1. Peel skin peel to stimulate skin cell renewal. It also helps fat. You can easily peel the skin yourself by the sea salt, olive oil body scrub massage. The specific surface area with cellulite. Then rinse with clean water.

2. Contrary to scrub lightly. Using a soft brush. Luffa or to soften the water. Stimulates blood circulation to work consistently throughout. It also helps polish off dead skin cells are purely The ideal time to polish. While the soap bath.

3. Wrapped clear plastic to keep the thousands of thin thighs tightly pretty streamlined. Starting to warm water. Then wipe the body dry. Bring a towel dipped hot water mixed with oil. (Lemon or rosemary smell) and then spin dry enough torque to bring thousands of thigh Then, with thousands of film and leave it about half an hour.

4. Push the administration to do every day to the beautiful chest. Opposite hand, both the central Hynrong chest. (Like respect), spasticity, and push each other both hands and hold for 10 minutes and then repeat 5 times.

5. Rolling massage with rollers rolling on the surface will help stimulate the circulation of blood cultured skin better. The massage should be rotated in a circular motion starting from the arms and legs off the end with the body.

6. Get someone who is fat under the skin right hip. Or too much butt cheek. May be reduced by using the thumb and index finger pull the skin around the hip area. Keep routine 10 minutes a day will fade d surface crack pattern.

Healthy skin, hair and good bone

Have you ever noticed people with skin good (pretty clear ผudผnoong tired my) hair, a sleek do me in. ... would not deny that these things help add charm to a woman with quite a lot ... In fact, my skin and Good bone, we can create in.. The food we eat into each day is determined. Or create these things to happen sure enough. Get a permanent toilet and of course more than look. Or any other accessories as well.
Olive oil: unsaturated fatty acid that helps to not clog pores. Also play an important role in creating the balance of the skin. Flexibility makes the skin smoother than the fatty acids can also inhibit allergic reactions. And inflammation of the skin with
Cantaloupe: carotene in cantaloupe is a compound that helps mitigate the damage of collagen. A fiber that helps keep skin tight fit.
Tofu: all products made from soybeans that will come with amino acids. That stimulates the growth of new cells. However, calcium in tofu is also a special way in helping your skin clean. And prevent bone loss also. In addition, the A natural estrogen. The compounds in peanut products also relieve skin Burns. And treating with dry vagina.
Fish dinner: whether Salmon hardware list Butter (fish species is a flat, a fish Ja international grain flavor), or fish dinner the other is a protein, magnesium and omega 3 to help. repair your skin. And prevent bone formation.
Pepper: a vegetable with a silicon (silicon) natural high. The silicone oils that are important for your hair skin and nails.
Green leafy vegetables: such as spinach, kale and cabbage, all the vegetables. Rich in vitamin. Which is essential to help keep your skin healthy and fit.
Dairy products: Expert says everyday products that you eat to grow until the child is one that makes you vulnerable to disease, osteoporosis (brittle bone disease and fragile Due to lack of calcium And other essential minerals often occur with all women after menstruation), but still not too late to start in. If you increase calcium by drinking milk, low fat Yogurt and cheese lose now.
Turkey: the meat (lean) of the turkey is an excellent source of protein. Zinc also helps maintain the collagen as well.

Moisture of the skin

The characteristics of the skin around the other to be divided into three categories: normal skin dry and oily skin are also the type of combination skin. Different again. Although each of these types of skin. Require different care. But what all skin types. To the same. Is to keep clean. And moisturizing. Which are the basic procedures in the following.
Washing with warm water is good. Do not heat too. It will make the skin dry. And irritation can. Typically, you should wash your face with cool water 2 in the morning, but may increase once more. On a sweat. Or too much oil on your face.
Normal skin is a well-balanced. Naturally it is not too dry. But when you grow and age. Dry skin will be more than ever to wash your face so you should use a mild type of facial cream containing Conditioner Partners in the. It will not cause skin irritation and dry easily.
For oily skin, the oil glands to work especially hard. Makes oil naturally. Out more than it should. And usually have pores. Wider than other types of skin. It is necessary to wash your face more than 2 times per day the Hmong Choice found that the riser. It should be a kind of gas mixture. It will help moisturize. To make the skin without clogging pores.
Dry skin is caused. Laziness Gland oil production enough to pollution around you, especially when it comes to experience. With cold dry air for a long time and this skin is usually sensitive to things that are easy to reconcile, so it should be used for light products to clean your face regularly.
No matter what skin type you have. Hmong Choice riser meet. It is also necessary in. sure enough. Because it will replace. Natural oils. The surface must be lost. It is not possible for any reason.
Protecting the skin from the sun.Protecting skin from radiation Ultra-violet in sunlight is essential to prevent wrinkles. Premature wrinkles. And the best protection. Is to use sunscreen. In addition to use as a cosmetic. With sunscreen in the mix, such as the Foundation Lip Balm and Moisturizer Moisturizer. Then you should use sunscreen In everyday life regularly as well.

Trip and Trick Make up Natural

First, I must ask Hello and I recommend me a Tori Jang I want to thank you for your interest in the Web Site, our known is that everyone who comes in the Web Site is to be aware of Tip and Trick in make up the various Today we all turned to women interested in beauty beauty to it that each one Including me. I am interested in the subject of beauty So, make up or use cosmetics to suit the situation places the surface personality and dress without breaking the skin, it must be considered in many ways. The ever Pan is the skin care facial skin care to look good always. Techniques which make up the natural makeup. Concept of how skin care. Similar to general healthcare. Because face are part of the body. If a healthy body. Ruby looks will look good with bright.

How skin care by focusing on the natural makeup is made for the lowest Because nature is not anything to the Author page Composition at least to look good and do not want to face is augment Chemical types. In cosmetics that could hurt the fragile skin of you.

If you want to come out and make it up naturally. I have started to use natural light. The light coming through the window. Will help your vision is not distorted from reality. So move your dressing table near the window as possible.

Natural makeup. To do with skin care method is. The foundation, but just thin it to apply lip moisture to the lips and eyebrows a little to write. Up to look more vibrant. Fill the cheeks a little soft enough to Shelled as a healthy complexion That's enough to look natural with make up. And does not mask or until thick foundation too. How to take care with the same face.

Knowledge about skin care, makeup Pan is another technique is. If necessary to make the light from the lamp. Place the glass bulb on both sides. Provide natural light than light from the overhead light (the shading) will make up the nature of your results come out as not too dark.

Skin care methods along with the natural makeup is. Trying to reduce cosmetics to a minimum. If you smear - cosmetic mask and full face. Still not known. Makeup is a natural way along with skin care has it. Therefore Knowledge about skin care. Therefore focus on how to skin care with natural makeup. To the nature in your
Or remember the steps in detail and we make up a natural process. Girls have to show any clear surface. And do not stand up to the foreground, try the same again, we offer 10 steps to make natural. Try the same view.

10 steps to make natural.

10 Steps to make up
                1. Clean the surface thoroughly. 
By washing. And Skin Moisture Light With Sir. And face protection from the sun by using sunscreen.
                2. Apply a foundation primer to match the surface below.
      Oil light in a kind of gel or water.
      Dry areas are a mixture of secondary oil
      If the acne skin area that contains a secondary oil free.
      The Post Foundation for the middle finger or sponge Points foundation on the face five points are forehead nose throat, chin and cheeks (points at a point spread at a point quickly and gently) if absent for foundation lot too, use foam Pat out gently. Try to spread over your face foundation to make sure that no foundation in some thick tuft. Page and feel smooth.
                3. Do not apply powder color powder color similar to much of the foundation should use light colors first. To make the page more light and softness.Flour or darker color to add warmth and gentleness face 
It makes skin softness.Cosmetics and make more long lasting. Then use the Brush to Apply to face the center side. Round brush and rub all over your face to round out the excess flour on.
                4. Author starts Eyebrow Eyebrow If a commission of about 1 cm and rub along the eyebrows. To see the natureThen use the brush to spread or brown eye shadow spread Tap again Eyebrow brush and spread to the back deduct Then tap lightly vaseline. Then rub the eyebrows to form the eyebrows.
                5. Apply eyeshadow under the eyes before touching the paint powder eye shadow. To prevent the mess. From paint with light colors such as pale pink cream all over eyelid. Then use the eye shadow colors in the two dark vertical tail spread from one eye to eye in the head. Last eye shadow colors that spread close to three vertical eye. From the tail into the center eye eye Eye below it do the same by the edges of vertical spread of colors for eyes if wearing hot colors. Color Eye shadow colors should I use two colors, orange and the third is brown If wearing two-tone cool color should view push or purple color. The final color may be blue or gray.
                6. To write eye liner. To make a natural look may not need to write eye liner.But if the evening want to photograph the beautiful contrast. Writing eye specialist may be written on time. How to write close to the edge of eyelashes.

                7. Bender eyelashes and mascara round. The first step must be modified before the eyelashes. Then gradually to a rounded Car Camera. And should be the type of mascara waterproof So do not mess up. Type or select optional. If you want to look natural. Bending eyelashes divided into three levels: 1. Start bending the stem close eye Use the lightest weight to keep lashes bent 2. Bends the middle eyelash eyelash By adding a little weight 3. Bends the tip lashes with eyelash more weight, respectively. In each step of bending to make it three. (Or three rhythm together ), Then gradually rounded mascara. To add back bends apply mascara, then the stem bends one eye only.
                8. Brush, blush the cheeks as a way to add healthy girl. And the rosy view.Start by using a large soft brush. Gradient cheekbone area cheek or short position directly under the eyes. Then smile at yourself in the mirror. Light and rounded up along the ridge to find the head with the cheek. Spread color to blend with the skin for up to hairline To see the nature
                9. Liner and Liner will apply lipstick to pretty up. Because the lips to form more fierce. Color Pencil Liner should choose a color close to the lip color as possible. To unity is not misleading
                10. Apply lipstick to the lips, beautiful images should apply lipstick with a brush. Brush sauce lipstick to make lips more. When applied and then added the gloss with a list covers Ross. To make lips look moist succulent